Solana Bruteforce script that uses the cluster module to create multiple worker processes to generate random Solana keypairs and check if the public address corresponding to the private key is in a Set of addresses read from data.txt
Kafka Web UI By LCC 是一个专为简化Apache Kafka集群管理和操作而设计的图形化用户界面(GUI)。该项目旨在为开发者、运维人员和数据科学家提供一个直观且易用的平台,以进行Kafka主题(Topic)管理、消息生产和消费、以及集群监控等任务。通过该工具,用户无需编写复杂的命令行指令,即可轻松完成日常维护工作,并能更有效地监控和优化Kafka集群性能。
Autonomous coding agent right in your IDE, capable of creating/editing files, executing commands, using the browser, and more with your permission every step of the way.