posting, dotUI, GABMAT22, PySkyWiFi, MobileLLM and more!

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Top Starred Repositories – First Timers

These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly

Star 1,063    Up 465    Python    Translate


The modern API client that lives in your terminal.

Star 411    Up 304    TypeScript    Translate


Accessible, mobile friendly, modern UI components.

Star 245    Up 231    Translate


Config files for my GitHub profile.

Star 347    Up 213    Python    Translate


Completely free, unbelievably stupid wi-fi on long-haul flights

Star 537    Up 213    Python    Translate


MobileLLM Optimizing Sub-billion Parameter Language Models for On-Device Use Cases. In ICML 2024.

Star 245    Up 204    Python    Translate


The best Coinbase Pro trading bot, best algorithms and strategies on the github!

🎶 Changelog Beats – music from our pods!

Top New Repositories

These repos were open sourced on July 10, 2024

Star 245    Up 204    Python    Translate


The best Coinbase Pro trading bot, best algorithms and strategies on the github!

💚 Listen to The Changelog – open source moves fast. Keep up.

Top Starred Repositories – Repeat Performers

These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly

Star 5,328    Up 874    Eyes 5    Python    Translate


Bring portraits to life!

Star 1,395    Up 708    Eyes 2    Python    Translate


Understand Human Behavior to Align True Needs

Star 9,312    Up 490    Eyes 9    Python    Translate


A modular graph-based Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system

Star 8,119    Up 306    Eyes 4    TypeScript    Translate


A framework for building custom AI Copilots 🤖 in-app AI chatbots, in-app AI Agents, & AI-powered Textareas.

Star 11,880    Up 224    Eyes 15    C++    Translate


Truly independent web browser

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