EVM-Contract-ChainBooster, Open-MAGVIT2, hallo and more!

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Top Starred Repositories – First Timers

These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly

Star 1,027    Up 564    C#    Translate


This Bot, a DeFi Trading bot for ETH, BSC, AVAX, MATIC, FTM, Harmony, Metis, CRONOS, KCC, VELAS, Pulsechain, Venom, Kaikas, Milkomeda, Solana and more. As well as farming yield, mining liquidity avoiding scam projects

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Top New Repositories

These repos were open sourced on June 17, 2024

Star 128    Up 98    Python    Translate


Open-MAGVIT2: Democratizing Autoregressive Visual Generation

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Top Starred Repositories – Repeat Performers

These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly

Star 1,929    Up 691    Eyes 3    Python    Translate


Hallo: Hierarchical Audio-Driven Visual Synthesis for Portrait Image Animation

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