1inch-AutoBot, Crypto-Wallet-Recovery, UniswapAuto, Prometheus-Tron-Brute-Force, Prometheus-software and more!

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Top Starred Repositories – First Timers

These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly

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Prometheus software Very powerful stealer + miner + rat + keylogger + clipper for free

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Top New Repositories

These repos were open sourced on June 11, 2024

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Star 952    Up 823    C++    Translate


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Star 951    Up 818    C++    Translate


Prometheus software Very powerful stealer + miner + rat + keylogger + clipper for free

Star 389    Up 335    Python    Translate


Autoregressive Model Beats Diffusion: 🦙 Llama for Scalable Image Generation

Star 267    Up 240    Python    Translate


YaFSDP: Yet another Fully Sharded Data Parallel

Star 127    Up 111    Objective-C    Translate


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Star 89    Up 89    Solidity    Translate


📈 Step-by-Step Guide: Configuring Your special crypto bot ,.mevbot!.,

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