timesfm, granite-code-models, timesfm, alphafold3-pytorch, PuLID_ComfyUI and more!

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Top Starred Repositories – First Timers

These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly

Star 420    Up 344    Python    Translate


TimesFM (Time Series Foundation Model) is a pretrained time-series foundation model developed by Google Research for time-series forecasting.

Star 402    Up 267    Translate


Granite Code Models: A Family of Open Foundation Models for Code Intelligence

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Top New Repositories

These repos were open sourced on May 08, 2024

Star 420    Up 344    Python    Translate


TimesFM (Time Series Foundation Model) is a pretrained time-series foundation model developed by Google Research for time-series forecasting.

Star 136    Up 76    Translate


Implementation of Alphafold3 in Pytorch

Star 106    Up 74    Python    Translate


PuLID native implementation for ComfyUI

Star 87    Up 64    Python    Translate


QServe: W4A8KV4 Quantization and System Co-design for Efficient LLM Serving

Star 82    Up 56    Translate


A comprehensive collection of KAN(Kolmogorov-Arnold Network)-related resources, including libraries, tutorials, papers, and more, for researchers and developers in the Kolmogorov-Arnold Network field.

Star 98    Up 53    Python    Translate


Implementation of Alpha Fold 3 from the paper: "Accurate structure prediction of biomolecular interactions with AlphaFold3" in PyTorch

Star 32    Up 21    Python    Translate


TensorRT Model Optimizer is a unified library of state-of-the-art model optimization techniques such as quantization and sparsity. It compresses deep learning models for downstream deployment frameworks like TensorRT-LLM or TensorRT to optimize inference speed on NVIDIA GPUs.

Star 22    Up 20    Lua    Translate


my nvim config

Star 22    Up 19    Go    Translate


Resize Kubernetes PersistentVolumes based on Kubecost PV recommendations.

Star 15    Up 15    Python    Translate


AGV system simulator for Reinforced Learning

Star 11    Up 10    Translate


yes is dooo

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Top Starred Repositories – Repeat Performers

These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly

Star 3,098    Up 735    Eyes 6    Jupyter Notebook    Translate


Create Magic Story!

Star 1,805    Up 712    Eyes 3    Python    Translate


🤗 LeRobot: State-of-the-art Machine Learning for Real-World Robotics in Pytorch

Star 11,202    Up 647    Eyes 13    TypeScript    Translate


OpenUI let's you describe UI using your imagination, then see it rendered live.

Star 1,749    Up 529    Eyes 3    Python    Translate


An efficient pure-PyTorch implementation of Kolmogorov-Arnold Network (KAN).

Star 9,265    Up 465    Eyes 8    Jupyter Notebook    Translate


Kolmogorov Arnold Networks

Star 27,777    Up 323    Eyes 17    TypeScript    Translate


Dify is an open-source LLM app development platform. Dify's intuitive interface combines AI workflow, RAG pipeline, agent capabilities, model management, observability features and more, letting you quickly go from prototype to production.

Star 64,933    Up 319    Eyes 93    Go    Translate


Get up and running with Llama 3, Mistral, Gemma, and other large language models.

Star 15,854    Up 229    Eyes 16    Jupyter Notebook    Translate


Implementing a ChatGPT-like LLM from scratch, step by step

Star 1,195    Up 228    Eyes 4    Python    Translate


A verified list of darknet markets and services with links for educational reference.

Star 1,195    Up 224    Eyes 6    Python    Translate


A verified list of darknet markets and services with links for educational reference.

Star 24,430    Up 223    Eyes 21    Python    Translate


🐚 OpenDevin: Code Less, Make More

Star 1,195    Up 215    Eyes 5    Python    Translate


A verified list of darknet markets and services with links for educational reference.

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