zhlint, radius, waymax, autotab-starter, chat-with-your-data-solution-accelerator and more!
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These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly
633 330 TypeScript
A linting tool for Chinese language.
327 213 Go
Radius is a cloud-native, portable application platform that makes app development easier for teams building cloud-native apps.
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These repos were open sourced on October 19, 2023
184 124 Python
A JAX-based simulator for autonomous driving research.
147 102 Python
Boring AI Agents for real world tasks
45 18 Python
A Solution Accelerator for the RAG pattern running in Azure, using Azure Cognitive Search for retrieval and Azure OpenAI large language models to power ChatGPT-style and Q&A experiences. This includes most common requirements and best practices.
17 15
🤖 Beat AI,机器学习的入门百科全书。 🤖 书中有循序渐进的示例及技术图解。 🤖 与其它理工科天书不同,本书的目标是从宏观角度切入、以高屋建瓴的方式讲透何为机器学习以及后续的学习路线。 🤖 我们希望抛开复杂的数学公式、逻辑,做一套任何人都能看懂的机器学习教程。
15 12 Kotlin
DevOpsGenius 旨在结合 LLM 重塑软件开发中的 DevOps 实践。将 LLM 视为团队的初级 “打杂工”,为团队提供各类辅助能力,以提高开发流程的效率和质量。
10 10
Download link: https://bit.ly/3rZvttm
📻 Listen to Go Time – on the Go programming language, the community, & more.
These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly
12,204 4,562 4
Explain complex systems using visuals and simple terms. Help you prepare for system design interviews.
16,625 1,096 7 Dart
An open source cross-platform alternative to AirDrop
3,017 626 4 Python
Teaching LLMs memory management for unbounded context 📚🦙
1,460 617 3 TypeScript
An Autonomous LLM Agent for Complex Task Solving
1,593 524 3 JavaScript
Removes The "Ad blocker are not allowed on Youtube"
8,879 415 9
A curated list of free courses & certifications.
12,692 347 23 Jupyter Notebook
Enable Next-Gen Large Language Model Applications. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/pAbnFJrkgZ
4,305 263 7 Jupyter Notebook
Playing Pokemon Red with Reinforcement Learning
25,423 175 27 TypeScript
Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust.
608 145 2
4K4D: Real-Time 4D View Synthesis at 4K Resolution
14,905 144 33 Python
Create Customized Software using Natural Language Idea (through LLM-powered Multi-Agent Collaboration)
23,110 139 14 Python
Open-sourced codes for MiniGPT-4 and MiniGPT-v2
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