hyperimport, ssh-audit, sessionic, pgx, awesome-3D-gaussian-splatting and more!
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These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly
387 269 TypeScript
⚡ Import c, rust, zig etc. files in your TypeScript code and more.
2,028 222 Python
SSH server & client security auditing (banner, key exchange, encryption, mac, compression, compatibility, security, etc)
197 180 Svelte
A browser extension to save, manage and restore tabs and sessions.
8,294 174 Go
PostgreSQL driver and toolkit for Go
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These repos were open sourced on October 15, 2023
71 56
Curated list of papers and resources focused on 3D Gaussian Splatting, intended to keep pace with the anticipated surge of research in the coming months.
53 45 TypeScript
A collection of auth-related utilities
39 38
⭐️ Project Site Below ⭐️
37 36
33 32
25 20 JavaScript
Let's make the web fun!
20 19 JavaScript
Desktop app for reflective journaling.
17 17
16 16
📻 Listen to Go Time – on the Go programming language, the community, & more.
These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly
1,317 645 3 Jupyter Notebook
Playing Pokemon Red with Reinforcement Learning
9,256 549 7 Lua
Neovim config for the lazy
118,151 486 62
Curated list of project-based tutorials
28,250 262 46 Python
🌟 The Multi-Agent Framework: Given one line Requirement, return PRD, Design, Tasks, Repo
30,452 238 41 Rust
🌴 Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient smart contracts.
10,189 211 19 Jupyter Notebook
Enable Next-Gen Large Language Model Applications. Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/pAbnFJrkgZ
24,821 206 26 TypeScript
Spacedrive is an open source cross-platform file explorer, powered by a virtual distributed filesystem written in Rust.
23,427 196 40 Rust
Rust full node implementation of the Fuel v2 protocol.
5,502 158 7 JavaScript
Postgres.js - The Fastest full featured PostgreSQL client for Node.js, Deno, Bun and CloudFlare
15,991 154 33 Rust
Fuel Network Rust SDK
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