web-llm, street-fighter-ai, crab, web-llm, street-fighter-ai and more!
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These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly
820 661 Python
Bringing large-language models and chat to web browsers. Everything runs inside the browser with no server support.
663 441 Python
This is an AI agent for Street Fighter II Champion Edition.
996 286 Rust
A community fork of a language named after a plant fungus. All of the memory-safe features you love, now with 100% less bureaucracy!
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These repos were open sourced on April 15, 2023
229 196 TypeScript
A proof-of-concept of a brain for an AI agent.
31 31
31 30
29 28 JavaScript
Superpower ChatGPT Chrome Extension
đź“» Listen to Go Time – on the Go programming language, the community, & more.
These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly
19,881 1,093 9 Python
DeepSpeed is a deep learning optimization library that makes distributed training and inference easy, efficient, and effective.
37,874 455 28 Kotlin
provides metadata for networkIDs and chainIDs
7,432 441 6 Python
Databricks’ Dolly, a large language model trained on the Databricks Machine Learning Platform
17,356 436 13 Python
JARVIS, a system to connect LLMs with ML community. Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2303.17580.pdf
28,661 435 26 Jupyter Notebook
Examples and guides for using the OpenAI API
32,271 417 26 Shell
Everything required to run your own Base node
26,595 369 25 Python
⚡ Building applications with LLMs through composability ⚡
4,035 345 4 Python
Official repo for consistency models.
9,598 294 9 TypeScript
🌳 Tiny & elegant JavaScript HTTP client based on the browser Fetch API
16,753 267 16 TypeScript
One-Click to deploy well-designed ChatGPT web UI on Vercel. ä¸€é”®ć‹Ąćś‰ä˝ č‡Şĺ·±çš„ ChatGPT 网页服务。
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