ffcv, DevToys, risinglight, playpen, vitekit and more!
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These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly
766 581 Python
FFCV: Fast Forward Computer Vision (and other ML workloads!)
681 242 C#
A Swiss Army knife for developers.
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These repos were open sourced on January 19, 2022
176 136 Rust
RisingLight is an OLAP database system for educational purpose
60 46 Solidity
Playpen is a set of modern, gas optimized staking pool contracts.
62 39 TypeScript
Remix and Vite had a baby. [WIP]
24 24 C
to be added
18 18 Svelte
Wordle Svelte Clone
27 17 R
An R package for interpretable visualizations of density estimates
18 16 Starlark
Bazel rules for overriding ld64 with lld or zld
🤖 Practical AI – making AI practical, productive, and accessible to everyone.
These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly
3,354 431 3 SCSS
4,519 389 6 Python
🍰 Desktop utility to download images/videos/music/text from various websites, and more.
928 304 2 TypeScript
🛠 [Beta] 面向研发的低代码元编程,代码可视编辑,辅助编码工具
27,703 293 31 JavaScript
📝A simple and elegant markdown editor, available for Linux, macOS and Windows.
28,476 267 31 Rust
Build smaller, faster, and more secure desktop applications with a web frontend.
5,897 256 11 C
你管这破玩意叫操作系统源码 — 像小说一样品读 Linux 0.11 核心代码
821 229 2
Nick's Roadmap for a .NET Backend Developer working with Microservices
2,237 222 3 Jupyter Notebook
Code for Data Engineer Zoomcamp course
2,729 208 3 Rust
<<Rust语言圣经(Book & Course)>>对Rust语言进行全面且深入的讲解,书中辅以生动的示例和习题,带你攻克从入门学习到实践应用的各种难关。 我们的目标是做一门优秀的开源Rust教程(课程)——学Rust就上course.rs。
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