tenacity, WeChatExtension-ForMac, calvera-dark.nvim, about, ostracon and more!
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These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly
3,385 864 C
FLOSS Audacity Fork · No telemetry, crash reports and other shenanigans like that!
17,649 233 Objective-C
Mac微信功能拓展/微信插件/微信小助手(A plugin for Mac WeChat)
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These repos were open sourced on July 07, 2021
43 41 Lua
Calvera Dark Colorscheme for Neovim written in Lua with built-in support for native LSP, TreeSitter and many more plugins
29 28
What is Cooperative Source?
17 17 Go
Ostracon, a consensus algorithm, is forked from Tendermint Core. We have added VRF to Tendermint BFT. It adds randomness to PoS Validator elections and improves security.
17 15 TypeScript
Axios module for Nest framework (node.js) 🗂
24 15 C
Apple TV 2/3 Jailbreak
16 15 Go
A framework for building blockchains based LINE Blockchain Mainnet that is forked from cosmos-sdk(https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk)
26 14
Video series JS 101Portuguese
15 14 Go
LINE Financial Blockchain forked from gaia(https://github.com/cosmos/gaia)
📻 Listen to Go Time – on the Go programming language, the community, & more.
These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly
1,576 1,057 2 C++
Source for fully featured AAA Open 3D Engine
91,573 457 94
🎓 Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science!
13,287 345 6 Python
YOLOv5 in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
1,949 331 2 Swift
Logger and Network Inspector for Apple Platforms
5,642 315 9 CSS
50+ mini web projects using HTML, CSS & JS
1,894 311 2 Go
Record CS knowlegement with XMind, version 2.0. 使用 XMind 记录 Linux 操作系统,网络,C++,Golang 以及数据库的一些设计
33,134 289 12 Python
FastAPI framework, high performance, easy to learn, fast to code, ready for production
1,417 244 2 Rust
Interactively Visualizing Ownership and Borrowing
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