chinese-independent-blogs, corkscrew, jamstack-cms, cache, RedisGo and more!
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These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly
438 259 JavaScript
469 204 C
A tool for tunneling SSH through HTTP proxies
🎉 Listen to JS Party – a community celebration of JS and the web.
These repos were open sourced on October 30, 2019
158 105 JavaScript
Modern full stack CMS. Built with serverless technologies.
30 14 TypeScript
Cache dependencies and build outputs in GitHub Actions
18 14 Go
15 13 C#
Mrihf(Modular Regional Interaction Hierarchical Framework).
14 12
14 12 C#
11 10 Python
Code and pre-trained models for Instance Segmentation track in Open Images Dataset
10 8 Python
mxnet 训练手关键点,21点,直接回归
9 8
Resources for the October 2019 "Reinstall a Clean macOS with One Button" webinar
🧠 Our new show – Brain Science – For the curious!
These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly
8,873 591 4 C++
Notepad++ official repository
8,108 521 11 JavaScript
Collection of 8000+ publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world
802 494 2 C++
unfork(2) is the inverse of fork(2). sort of.
11,558 302 18 C++
Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
7,793 295 14
6,971 282 2 Go
1,829 203 4 TypeScript
3D graphics rendering pipeline. Implemented in JavaScript. Run in a terminal.
648 203 2 Python
Official pytorch implementation of the paper: "SinGAN: Learning a Generative Model from a Single Natural Image"
6,535 169 5 Java
🚀 fullstack tutorial 2019,后台技术栈/架构师之路/全栈开发社区,春招/秋招/校招/面试
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