watchme, leetcode, simplify, design-tips, antialiased-cnns and more!
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These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly
343 293 HTML
Reproducible watchers for research
547 287 JavaScript
620 274 CSS
Chrome extension to simplify Gmail's interface
Listen to Go Time – on the Go programming language, the community, & more.
These repos were open sourced on April 26, 2019
87 68 HTML
The “🔥 Design Tips” series, now in TailwindCSS
41 41
Making Convolutional Networks Shift-Invariant Again. To appear in ICML, 2019.
32 26 PHP
OneDrive Index with QCloud SCF (
19 17 TypeScript
Generate routes from filesystem, use case: Next/Nuxt-style routing
12 12 TypeScript
TypeScript Node/Express 👉TypeScript Serverless ➕Angular
13 12 Java
X41 BeanStack - Stack Trace Fingerprinting BETA
10 10 Swift
Swift version awesome Alert and sheet library
14 10 C++
Example programs and source code for GPU Zen 2
11 10 JavaScript
[Experimental] A fast Node 10+ HTTP middleware framework
11 9
Listen to The Changelog – open source moves fast. Keep up.
These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly
7,523 544 5 Python
Never use print for debugging again
7,682 485 4
Microsoft and GitHub Workers Support 996.ICU
12,130 427 10 JavaScript
Cybernetically enhanced web apps
3,541 388 7
Roadmap to becoming a Go developer in 2019
1,069 337 3
在 2019 成为一名 Go 开发者的路线图。为学习 Go 的人而准备。
3,355 308 4 Go
A terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark
2,774 304 4 Go
16,685 230 22 JavaScript
The next open source file uploader for web browsers
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