uncaptcha2, nextjs-mdx-blog-kit, vti-dorks, Sound-of-Pixels, tiktak and more!
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These repos were open sourced on December 31, 2018
66 38 Python
defeating the latest version of ReCaptcha with 91% accuracy
27 21 JavaScript
Starter code for a static blog using Next.js and MDX
25 17
Awesome VirusTotal Intelligence Search Queries
16 15 Python
Codebase for ECCV18 "The Sound of Pixels"
12 11 Elixir
Fast and lightweight web scheduler
14 11 Python
simple pdf file split and merge tool
10 10 CSS
A simple web dashboard for lnd.
10 9 TypeScript
Founders Talk – In-depth, one on one conversations with founders and makers.
These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly
22558 786 23
A curated awesome list of lists of interview questions. Feel free to contribute!
3374 230 5 TypeScript
The markdown-based note-taking app that doesn't suck.
615 196 2
Awesome list of repositories of awesome lists 🤷♀️
1606 180 4 TypeScript
record and replay the web
5795 145 8 Python
The Inter UI font family
381 114 2 JavaScript
A full-featured download manger.
6999 112 11
Papers with code. Sorted by stars. Updated weekly.
1330 110 3 Dart
Flutter Launch Timeline Demo
465 105 3 TeX
A machine translation reading list maintained by Tsinghua Natural Language Processing Group
8075 103 11 JavaScript
🤖 Neural networks in JavaScript
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