modern-cpp-tutorial, awesome-distributed-systems, Nandlang, DomLink, mnist-neural-network-plain-c and more!
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These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly
487 225 C++
📚 高速上手现代 C++ 11/14/17
608 189
Awesome list of distributed systems resources
Practical AI – making AI practical, productive, and accessible to everyone.
These repos were open sourced on April 08, 2018
69 60 C++
A programming language based on NAND completeness
38 26 Python
A tool to link a domain with registered organisation names and emails, to other domains.
19 16 C
A neural network implementation for the MNIST dataset, written in plain C
14 12 Go
a simple golang bloom filter
12 12 Go
a infohash metadata collector
11 10 Go
golang dht(Distributed Hash Table) node
13 9 C++
A Software Renderer for Dear ImGui
10 8 Jupyter Notebook
Modeling High-Frequency Limit Order Book Dynamics Using Machine Learning.
8 8 Java
Listen to Go Time – on the Go programming language, the community, & more.
These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly
5758 669 2 Go
Execute SQL against structured text like CSV or TSV
14980 484 43
857 402 2
2018 年成為 Web 開發人員的路線圖
6066 352 10 CSS
Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap 4
783 293 2 Python
Turn a MacBook into a Touchscreen with $1 of Hardware
646 257 2
🔐 Curated List of Privacy Respecting Services and Software
479 212 2
This is the Curriculum for "Learn Computer Science in 5 Months" By Siraj Raval on Youtube
13620 185 15
"The mother of all demo apps" — Exemplary fullstack clone powered by React, Angular, Node, Django, and many more 🏅
3885 173 6 Go
Make JSON greppable!
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