OpenSimpleLidar, gocraft, react-slack-clone, flamescope, react-smooth-dnd and more!
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These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly
1447 451 C
Open Hardware scanning laser rangefinder
833 390 Go
A Minecraft like game written in go
574 267 JavaScript
Complete chat application, built with Chatkit
788 237 CSS
FlameScope is a visualization tool for exploring different time ranges as Flame Graphs.
655 201 JavaScript
react wrapper components for smooth-dnd
Listen to JS Party – a community celebration of JS and the web.
These repos were open sourced on April 04, 2018
787 237 CSS
288 146 JavaScript
Replace scary zero-width characters with funny emojis
149 35
Linux Kernel Defence Map
38 21 JavaScript
Create clickable links in the terminal
70 19 Go
Like Tor2Web, but not just HTTP ( using IPv6 )
46 17 QML
A framework for building cross platform GUI interfaces in Go and QML
76 17 Swift
An Xcode playground that demonstrates the new features introduced in Swift 4.1.
21 15 Python
A Simple Introduction To The Application Of Pigment To A Surface To Look Like A Thing
22 13 PHP
The Yaf testable skeleton and composer supported.
47 12
A curated list of my favourite music DSP and audio programming resources
13 11 HTML
"View source" directive for Vue
18 10 JavaScript
A progressive web app for simulating color blindness
24 9 Java
Practical AI – making AI practical, productive, and accessible to everyone.
These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly
5031 807 6 CSS
Tabler is free and open-source HTML Dashboard UI Kit built on Bootstrap 4
2217 710 2 JavaScript
Simple, powerful online communities.
14146 507 40
4703 457 6 JavaScript
A WebGL accelerated, browser based JavaScript library for training and deploying ML models.
3383 414 3 Go
Make JSON greppable!
1561 287 3 JavaScript
🐨 Elegant Console Logger
3295 262 6
Collection of awesome podcasts
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