AndroidTVLauncher, render-markdown-javascript and more!
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These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly
1211 443 Java
This is a leanback style tv launcher(minSdkVersion 17)
243 196 JavaScript
Renders markdown files to HTML with highlighted code blocks BUT ALSO RENDERS THE JAVASCRIPT ONES.
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These repos were open sourced on September 05, 2017
31 30 JavaScript
Chrome 插件,反查微博图片po主
30 24 Swift
2D Animation Tool for macOS.
20 20 HTML
SVG Editor
17 15
18 15 Go
Web frameworks for Go, most starred on Github
14 14
With great scientific breakthrough comes solid engineering.
14 13 Go
A Social-Blogging App developed with Golang & Mysql!!
38 9
cluster data collected from production clusters in Alibaba for cluster management research
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These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly
2641 663 6 JavaScript
HTTP client. Spiritual successor to request.
904 552 2 Ruby
Writing a sqlite clone from scratch in C
11246 544 14 Java
Everything you need to know to get the job.
1632 518 4 PHP
Clean Code concepts adapted for PHP
930 285 3 JavaScript
📷 Image Processing Component for React
21646 261 4
A curated list of awesome things related to Vue.js
7642 246 15
💻 a list of applications, alfred workflows and various tools that make my macOS experience even more amazing
3349 226 2 JavaScript
Use full ES2015+ features to develop Node.js applications
3224 210 5 Go
OAuth2 server with OpenID Connect - cloud native, security-first, open source API security for your infrastructure. Written in Go.
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