kotlin-in-chinese, goka, insights, Kotlin-Tutorials, whats-new-in-swift-4, workbox and more!
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These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly
1146 447 Go
kotlin 官方文档
442 337 Go
Goka is a compact yet powerful distributed stream processing library for Apache Kafka written in Go.
296 243 JavaScript
Self-hosted "SQL-not-required" data analytics and visualisation tool.
948 239 Kotlin
【Kotlin 视频教程】国内资料较少,我录制了一套视频作为抛砖引玉~
400 231 Swift
An Xcode playground showing off the new features in Swift 4.0.
785 211 JavaScript
Workbox is a collection of JavaScript libraries for Progressive Web Apps
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These repos were open sourced on May 18, 2017
143 84 C++
Wannacry in-memory key recovery for WinXP
73 66 Python
optional extra vector image datasets for sketch-rnn
101 63
Documentation on how to access and use the Quick, Draw! Dataset.
62 56 C++
A proposal to provide Augmented Reality (AR) capabilities to the web.
60 46 JavaScript
A HTTP "server" in the browser that uses a service worker to allow you to easily send back your own stream of data.
51 41 Java
Sample project based on the new Android Component Architecture
33 30
Code samples on Launchpad, and docs for using the platform
31 29 C
The dEEbugger is an ESP8266 based keychain swiss army knife for electronics
30 23 Java
JAndFix is a tool for Android real-time hot fix base on JAVA.
8 21 Java
19 16 Python
an app for keeping track of your FOIAs
18 15 PowerShell
Tool to restore some WannaCry files which encryption weren't finish properly
13 15
Yazılımla ilgili sinema filmi ya da youtube dizisi hazırlamayı düşünüyoruz. Fikirlerinizi ve hikayelerinizi issue açarak bizimle paylaşabilirsiniz.
18 15 C++
C++ wrapper for Zend API
16 14
EternalRocks worm
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These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly
9993 1446 4 Java
The Kotlin Programming Language
1408 528 2 TypeScript
Simple collaboration from your desktop
4956 383 4 Kotlin
Pleasant Android application development
57522 284 40 C++
Computation using data flow graphs for scalable machine learning
601 256 2
SSH man-in-the-middle tool
2298 247 4 Go
Search through your filesystem with SQL-esque queries.
801 233 2 JavaScript
Create web applications entirely by writing HTML and CSS!
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