developer-roadmap, Robust, visdom, CHIPageControl, lbry, guetzli and more!
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These repos were not previously featured in Changelog Nightly
1210 865
Roadmap to becoming a web developer in 2017
614 407 Java
Robust is an Android HotFix solution with high compatibility and high stability.Robust can fix bug immediately without publishing apk.
464 311 Lua
A flexible tool for creating, organizing, and sharing visualizations of live, rich data. Supports Torch and Numpy.
407 269 Swift
A set of cool animated page controls written in Swift to replace boring UIPageControl.
672 267 Python
A fully decentralized network for distributing data
908 209 C++
Perceptual JPEG encoder
Listen to The Changelog – open source moves fast. Keep up.
These repos were open sourced on March 16, 2017
486 151
Free resources for learning Full Stack Web Development
97 94
Find that one presentation you missed!
90 88 TypeScript
Unpredictable state container for JavaScript apps.
55 51 JavaScript
Open source knowledge base application for Teams
44 38 Python
The Zipru scraper developed in the Advanced Web Scraping Tutorial.
32 30 Java
Cheat sheet for technical interviews.
35 30 Python
A Django template for using Flask for the frontend, Django for the backend.
34 29 Go
Ribbon diagrams of proteins in #golang. WIP.
34 23 Python
A PyTorch Implementation of Single Shot MultiBox Detector.
25 19
Thailand's provinces, districts, subdistricts, zip-codes and geographies.
15 15 JavaScript
switch between different translations of a term 🅰️ 🅱️
16 15 Vue
JavaScript debugging made simple.
16 14 F#
Interact with HTTP resources using F# scripting
Listen to RFC – exploring different perspectives in open source sustainability.
These repos were previously featured in Changelog Nightly
2549 1333 2
⭐️ Companies that don't have a broken hiring process
5183 471 6 Java
Everything you need to know to get the job.
10107 469 8 Python
Learn how to design large scale systems. Prep for the system design interview.
2687 342 4 JavaScript
Create a React Native app on any OS with no build config.
958 308 2 Python
The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
1145 237 3 C#
Creative and unusual things that can be done with the Windows API.
8032 227 12 Python
Continually updated data science Python notebooks: Deep learning (TensorFlow, Theano, Caffe, Keras), scikit-learn, Kaggle, big data (Spark, Hadoop MapReduce, HDFS), matplotlib, pandas, NumPy, SciPy, Python essentials, AWS, and various command lines.
1114 209 3 Python
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